

谢邀,首先声明我不是法律专业人士…以下只是我的个人理解~ 题主提到的两个学校是同一级别吗? 如果是的话,那我觉得你完全可以放心大胆地去申请。 据我所知在加拿大是可以允许学生在高中期间同时修读两所甚至多所大学的课程的.而且一般来说这种双录取项目都是校方和当地的高中合作开办的, 只要学生成绩达到一定要求就可以获得入学资格, 所以从这点来看, 你大可以去尝试一下. 如果将来真的被拒绝, 再回原来那个学校也不迟嘛~ 关于转学手续的问题, 其实各个学校的政策都不尽相同. 但一般来说都会在官网上有明确说明, 建议题主去自己感兴趣的学校官网上查一查. 因为我没有具体资料可以参考,所以只能提供这些帮助了... 最后祝楼主学业顺利!

1. Transferring to a University or College after high school: You will want to look at transfer credits and how they work in the Canadian university system before making this decision, but here are things you need to know: Universities generally do not accept students that have been educated in the U.S unless there is no comparable program available within Canada (this would be something like engineering). If accepted into the U of T’s Honours BA Program in Psychology, for example, you could study up until your junior year (4th year in US college terminology)at an American institution, then complete your final two years with us。 In addition, some subjects cannot be transferred from one institution to another without having being taken at that particular institution(for any level of education, including post-secondary)——e.g. it won't be possible for someone who took accounting at York U to take the same subject at Western U because their accounting curriculum is different.If this is a concern of yours, make sure all the institutions where you are interested in transferring are listed on your high school transcript as "approved" - many schools will only allow full course credit transfer if this condition has been met by the student upon admission.

2. Getting back to school: This isn't a common problem faced by international students, since most are going away for undergrad studies and rarely return to school again later, except maybe through the post-graduate route. If however you find yourself in such a position, check out the information provided below: The easiest way to get started is probably to first go online and see what options are open to you locally―either at the community college level或者 at the local vocational/technical institute level. Make note of the courses you think might be needed towards your new degree. Then call each individual school and ask them if those classes can count toward your degree. Some colleges


我目前就读于一所非常小的私立学校,我的目标是多大或UBC的本科。请问应该如何转到这两所大学去呢 我是通过中介申请的。中介说让我先申请到多伦多或者卑诗省的一所大学读预科,然后就可以申请了,是这样吗?如果这样需要准备一些什么材料呢?



