

Part 1:问好以及基本问答(3-5分钟) Hello,my friend.I am very happy to meet you.How are you doing today?/今天你怎么样了? 今天我很好,谢谢你。 我能坐这里吗?Sure.Here is my card./我可以坐在这里吗?当然可以。这是我的名片。

What can I do for you,sir/madam?我能为你做点什么吗? 我是来参加雅思考试的。I'm here to take the English test./我来到这里参加考试。

My name is Chen Jie.My last name means 'successful in education'in Chinese.陈磊是我中文名字。我的姓在中文里有‘金榜题名’的意思。 My first language is Chinese and my second language is English.For me,English is just another language like Chinese./我的母语是中文,英文是我的第二语言。对于我而言,英文就像汉语一样,只是另一种语言罢了。

Is that right?That's wrong!/那这么说呢?不对!/你说得不对! You know,Chinese people love to say hi/hello to everyone we see on the street.We call it 'greeting others'or sometimes we just talk with a stranger in the street.我们中国人在街上遇见熟人的时候喜欢打个招呼。我们把这种行为叫做‘与人打招呼’或者‘和陌生人聊天’。 We never think about this kind of behavior as 'strange' or 'a foreign custom'。我们从不认为这种举动是很奇怪或是一种外国人的习惯。 In fact,we feel happy and excited when someone smiles and says hello to us.事实上,当有人微笑地和我们打招呼的时候,我们会很开心和激动。 And now,you try to greet me,okay?现在你来试着和我打招呼,好吗? 你想怎么叫我呢?Can you think of any good names for me?你能想到一些好听的名字吗? Or if you want to keep calling me Miss Li,that's fine too.或者如果你想要继续称呼我为李老师,也可以。 Part 2:谈论自己及家庭(4-6分钟) Tell me something about yourself.告诉我一些关于你的事情。

What would those be?那些是什么呢? Well,I am from China.我来自中国。 I study at a university in England.我在英国的一所大学上学。 I speak English and Chinese.我会说英中两种语言。 Of course,I can speak more...when I need to.当然了,如果我需要的话,我还能说更多…… And what about your family?那么你的家庭呢? How many people are there in your family?你家有几口人呢? There are six people in my family——me,my parents,my three younger sisters.我家有6个人——我、父母、三个妹妹。 Are they all in Britain?他们都在英国吗? No,one of my sisters lives in Paris.不,我其中一个妹妹住在巴黎。 She is an architect.她是建筑师。 The other two live in China.另外两个住在中国。 One works in a factory;her job is to design new machines every day.一个工作在一个工厂里,她的工作是每天设计新机器。 The other is a primary school teacher.另一个是小学老师。 My father's a doctor but he doesn't work in a hospital.我父亲是医生,但他不在医院工作。 He has his own medical practice.他有自己的诊所
