

The reason for this is that ...(原因解释) The cause of this is that ... (同上) There are three reasons for this. First, Second, Third 这些是一些基本的句型,同学们可以记一下。然后举几个例子加深理解。 举例: 1 The reason why she didn't go was that she was afraid. 她没去的理由是她害怕。

2 He didn't finish the exercise because he wasn't given enough time. 他没有做完练习是因为时间不够。 3 My uncle died last year, the reason for which was a car accident. 我叔叔去年去世了,原因是一场车祸。 4 There were few guests at the party yesterday because it wasn't Sarah's birthday. 上个星期天聚会客人不多,因为不是萨拉的生日。 5 I didn't bring my textbook to class today and the teacher asked me to explain how to solve this problem.我今天的课本没带,老师让我解释如何解题。

6 They delayed the start of play until everyone was ready.他们延迟了开始比赛的时间,直到每个人都准备好。 7 We stopped talking about it because we weren't sure if there were other people who wanted to know more. 我们没有再谈论此事,因为我们不确定是否还有其他人想了解更多信息。

8 You need to return your library books by tomorrow because otherwise you will have to pay late fees. 你需要明天归还图书馆的书籍,否则你将付违约金。
