

2018年3月26日去上海领区面签,一次通过! 先说下我的情况:非师范专业,在职中小学教师,本科学历(学校是985/211),已婚,有德国大学录取通知书,去读博士。


下面是我在德国使馆网站上找到的关于在职教师的申请材料清单(注意:该网站只列出了所需材料的第一部分,后面第二部分及补充材料的详细说明可以上德签论坛或者微博查看) Step 1: Online application at URL (in German): Please note that the online form only needs to be filled out when applying for a visa. In addition, please read “Instructions on how to fill in and submit an online application” carefully before starting your application! You will find further information about your personal data protection as well as instructions concerning the submission of your documents via email below after you have submitted your application successfully. The same also applies if there are additional questions or comments. Afterwards, the relevant instructions can always be found under this link: This includes detailed information on which documents need to be made available electronically by e-mail upon request from DHL, for example. If these details change, we reserve the right to update them accordingly without prior notice. Step 2: Submitting Application Documents: In principle, all required documents listed in item C. of the abovementioned list must be submitted either in person or through a forwarding agent such as DHL. Please make sure that everything is legible; photocopies are not accepted! Items A+B should preferably be provided on separate sheets of paper, although they may also be combined with each other or with E to G on one sheet provided it is possible to clearly identify every document。 As far as possible, items F+G should be given together and filed separately so that their content can be easily assessed. These steps apply equally well to both applicants, i.e. married couples or persons living together who wish to file applications jointly and parents who want to register children as dependants on the accompanying adult’s visa application. In accordance with section 2 paragraph 4 sentence 7 Residence Act, family members will receive a residence permit on the basis of the main applicant’s valid residence title. Family members can remain free of charge in the accommodation offered to the principal applicant until receiving their individual residence permit in Germany.


本人是17年9月30号递签,然后26号拿到的签证 ,当时也是第一次在德国大使馆网站填表,自己研究了好久才开始弄的。(我是在北京办的) 因为之前没有过国外拒签的历史记录所以感觉还是挺顺利的,大概也就一周左右吧就拿到了签证


其实我感觉我的面试过程还是很快的而且也顺利,也没有问很刁钻的问题 可能我运气比较好所以没有遇到这种情况啦~不过还是要做好被刁难的准备呢!祝好运
