

我是在面签前被抽查到的,是电话调查。大概两周后接到美国驻香港领事馆的电话,问了我几个问题。因为我的材料准备得很充分并且回答流畅,所以很快就通过了。以下是她所提的问题(中英文对照) 1. How do you know XXX?(认识我老板的原因) My boss is my mentor and we have been in contact for many years before I moved to America. When her company started doing business with a local university, they needed someone who spoke Chinese, so she asked me if i wanted to work part-time there. And then the rest is history... She has always treated me like family and helped me get where i am today.

2. Do i still live in China? Yes, currently living and working in Shanghai 3. Why did you move from Beijing to Shanghai? Because i had just gotten married at that time but my husband lives in Shanghai ,so it was convenient for us both to be here after our wedding ceremony. As well as because of my job, i can work wherever i want provided its within driving distance or direct flights (which doesnt really affect me since i also need to travel frequently between California and New york anyway )4.Why are you applying B1/B2? I'm going to visit my parents, friends ,my sister in law etc 5.How long will you stay in US? About one month during Christmas and New Year period. After this trip i plan on starting an online MBA program which starts soon after my return6.Is your company sponsoring your study? NO7.What will you study in USA? MBA (online course)8.Do you think you would find employment when you graduate? YES, Since im already familiar with some aspects of software development 我当时在接电话时感觉对方很客气。全程都没有生硬的质问,而是像和朋友谈话一样。所以各位不用太紧张!


我10月7日接到德国使馆电话,问了我几个问题后,给我发了邮件 说我有三个答案需要补充的,让我发到他们邮箱里 我当时没来得及回复就睡觉了(因为太兴奋)!然后8日早上9点多起来看到邮件的时候已经过了4个多小时了…… 所以大家还是要注意这个时间点哈~ 我是第二天晚上10点左右才拿到签注的哈~

后来就是邮寄资料和去海关拿小条啦~~ 在北京的话应该会更快吧~ 但是我的感觉是只要把该准备的准备好了,其他都不是事儿呢~~~
